Tuesday, July 6, 2010



I know I've said this many times but it's the first time I'm writing abt it. Dearie, after we broke up, I tried to convince myself that there isn't a feeling of 'the one' coz I had that feeling but in the end we still broke up.

I thought by going overseas might do me gd but everything juz reminded me of u. It made me so sad.. I told myself that u din want to be in touch with me anymore or u have moved on. I comforted myself that everything would be fine as time passes by. I din know how much effect u have on my life till we broke up. I even thought that only miracle will bring us back tog again.

That night, I dreamt of u. I hesitated as I did not know if I should contact u.. In the end I still took the first step to email u.. Never did I expect u to reply :) well, the rest of the story u know already :)

It is indeed a miracle that we r tog again.. I think the break up did us gd.. It teaches me how to appreciate u even more, allows me to know how much I love u.. I hope we will both keep our temper in check n dun ever say break up again, coz it hurts :)

I love u dearie.. Truly do n u know ;)

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