Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Happy Teachers' Day

Kris Dearie

Happy Teachers' Day again. Hope that you have received lots of emails, messages and notes from your loving students who cherish and love you, Miss Loh.

With Love,
Mike Dearie

Monday, August 30, 2010

A brand new day

Kris Dearie

I woke up today and think to myself and remembered what you said; if this is my last day, what will I do? Then I reached for my phone, wanted to send you a good morning message to make you feel energized for the day. But on second thought, I wished that you have your peace, and I prayed that you will have it throughout the day. I have finally realized loving someone is to make that someone's wish come true -- support them and treasure them even if it hurts you. Without the word "dearie" from you until you simmer down, my life line support was suspended. It is the most crucial and one of the things I treasured so dearly close to my heart. By addressing you, dearie, and getting that look in your eyes starring at me and calling me with your soft sweet tone, "dearie...". In this brand new day, I wanted to wish you had a great and peaceful day eventhough I didn't have a chance to walk with you throughout the day.

I remembered our movie outing to watch "Letters to God" and I feel like I'm Tyler, only that I'm not suffering from cancer. I will write letters to God to wish my dearie peacefulness and happiness, a cheerful girl who is truly amazing. I just wished my dearie all the best and put a smile on her face. Seeing you hopping away cheerfully sank my heart deeper than anyone could imagine.

This brand new day brought me whole new level of ideas, thoughts, and plans. I'm a thinker, who thinks a lot but failed to express. It's like a philosopher who can't speak. I've been lost in my thoughts that actions failed to take place. This has got to change -- I can't wait for tomorrow, next week, next month or next year, it must be now. I can't be afraid of what will happen if I do this or if I do that because hestiation will only delay what may be the fruitful outcome. Face it, do it, have faith and believe that it will all be alright.

I would like to close today with a song by Boyzone that is exactly how I'm feeling: Everyday I love you.

Love you always
Mike Dearie

Saturday, August 28, 2010


Kris Dearie,

I am not a very good writer like you, but I'll try my best. When my heart speaks, I hope you can feel and hear it. I've done so many wrong-doings in the past, but I would like to have a peaceful life with you in the future. I know we can be together, we are perfect for each other, no matter what happens my feelings for you will not change. My temper has not done a very good job of keeping you by my side -- being very harsh and tormented you many times -- but that has to change for good because I love you and care for you so much.

I do believe that a change in a person should come from within and I've been feeling substantial changes since I last broke up with you. I also do believe that my love for you is so strong that I love what you've loved, God and believe in him. You are also my companion, my partner in the life journey and my neighbor. I've no longer see myself as "me" and "I" because it is meaningless; without you. I have come to think of "us" and "we" instead.

Love is the single most important thing -- and creation. You have loved me so much that it made me grew so strong, and my love for you is deeper and deeper each day. Yet, I'm such a fool to be not so expressive and not appreciative in a good way to show how much I care for you. I've seen the "light" at the end of the tunnel finally, and wished to become a better person for good. I've feel how you have gone through and we have come to a point where we exchanged each others' shoes. Now that we've got both perspectives, I wish that we can understand each other more and will try to work things out because your love is truly incomparable to any other things in life. I love you so much dearie.

Mike Dearie

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Nice song

This song reminds me of you.. It's in Mandarin but it will be good if you can get someone to translate to you. That is if you happen to view the blog.


Wednesday, August 25, 2010


My heart is broken by my bf, one who does not know how to control his words, think logically when he is angry. In his eyes, I'm an emotional person, too emotional for him to handle. At least, I can control my thoughts and do not shoot off words that hurt people.

He suggested a break up again last night. Tell me Lord, how can I be secure in a relationship with a man who keeps saying that he wants to leave me? He wished me all the best in looking for another man. If that's what he wants, sure...

I just feel that I had loved in vain... Who is the one not appreciating the other party? Take me with you Lord, in every way, in everything... This man is not worth me giving you up. Only your love for me is true and will sustain forever.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


I just want dearie and I to be happy around each other... overcome all issues together... That is true happiness and love...