Sunday, November 14, 2010


Dearie, thanks for sharing about the Eagles.. very interesting and I learned a lot of principles and nature of eagles.

I have not been a good companion lately for you; we used to be able to share and talk about anything under the sun and moon. I'm sure we can do it again dearie.

You're truly an amazing girl who always supportive of me and never go anything less of me. Trust after you test, but you didn't test and trusted me. Thank you for everything.

I'm happy to see you happy with no more anger. I wish that we both be happy with each other around. And I know we will.

Lord has spoken to me this morning to talk to you.. so I did. He's amazing isn't he? Dreamt of you during the nap being piggy too...

Today's sermon was planting a relationship seed to the ground. The pastor gave an example of hard ground (truth) with sand (love). If the ground is too hard.. seed can't grow. If the ground is too soft and sandy, it can't hold on to. Appropriate mixture of truth and love is needed.. love alone can't survive.. neither without the reality of life.

I'll be here for you dearie; a focused, strong eagle whom you can depend on. I'll be by your side, through the goods and bads. :) That's what we're for, right? Use me because I'm someone useful and someone you can depend on.. I live my life for others and I do live definitely for you, dearie.

Love you always

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