Monday, November 15, 2010

Message from your dearie


When you check your phone, it's nice to receive someone is thinking of you, but at the same time, I don't want to disturb you... being at a distance would be the best for both of us I guess.

How's your day dearie? Hope you survived through your messology at Damai.. *hugs* poor you...

Eventhough I'm writing here, I'm not sure it'll be read, but having faith is better than sitting around hoping something would happen and do nothing... you said.. I'll stop blogging, say harsh words and stop going to church... I can't say anything but time will tell, dearie.

I haven't been saying this because I don't wish to irritate you.. but...

*Swallows* ... I love you very much dearie.. truly do and you know... :) and I miss you so much too...

Love you always and good night my Princess,

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