Wednesday, October 6, 2010



It's been over a month since I last heard you call me that... thank you for warming my heart with your words, dearie :) I deeply and truly care about it, you know that...

I know we both had been very busy lately and although I wish I could spend more time with you talking or even listening to things that you have to say... it seems that it's not possible. So I decided to pray for you whenever I think of you.. that's the only way I feel that I'm with you by your side.

I don't wish to disturb you while you're doing something or sleeping ... so I tried not to text you. We had communication problems in the past... hope we can sort this area out :)

I wish to tuck you in your bed and wish you sweetest dreams and kiss you good night, dearie. If I'm only allowed to do that for the rest of your life...

Love you always (and you know)
Mike Dearie

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