Saturday, October 16, 2010

A trip to Zoo

A year ago on this day...

Dearie and I first realized our feelings for each other. Although our lives are hectic and shortage of time now even to share about ourselves, I hope this is just temporary because at the end of the day, we all need to go "home" and home is where your loved ones are. I used to look at my education and my career and thinking that I'm doing all this for "us", for our better future. But I've realized at the long day at work, I will inevitably be going home and family is the only thing that matters. I thank Lord for giving me an opportunity to see through this incredible vision and I pray that he protect and guide my dearie every step of the way. Amen.


  1. Thanks for bringing back memories and for realising the importance of family...

  2. My pleasure always dearie :) Please take care of yourself and don't forget your meals.
