Thursday, March 4, 2010

If I were an Angel

In life, angels and demons are often at work together. Sometimes angels win and sometimes saturn wins... I'm jus wondering what I would do if I were an angel...

1. I will make both our students hardworking and score good grades, so that you will not have any conflict with the management :)

2. I will plead with God for Guinness to return to earth because he means so much to everyone in my family

3. I will help to foster a stronger bond between your parents, family and you :)

4. I will pray that my grandparents live to 120

5. I will pray that you do not have to work such long hours so that you can socialise with your friends

6. I will help you in your Masters so that you can have good grades

7. I will let you have your promotion as that is your dream

8. I will make sure you earn lots of money so that you can buy whatever you want, like your camera lens hehe

9. I will let a wonderful girl appear in your life so that you will learn how to let go and learn to love without fear of getting hurt coz I hurt you too much already :)

10. You may find that you are not worthy of angel Kristine and may want her to look for someone better, if that is what I understand

Lastly, I will feel that I have taken much misery from the world and I would like to go away, to Jesus :)

Live your life in such a way that when you were born, you cry and the world rejoice, when you die, the world cries and you rejoice... A value I hold. Apparently, along the way, I've lost some of my values.

Letting you know of Ken's website is not to make you jealous or what, but rather, he reminded me of what kind of girl I was. Over the year, I've changed and I've brought you hurt and pain. I'm not sure if I can be that angel he was talking about. Given a chance, I want to be angel Kristine again...

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