Sunday, March 28, 2010

Pictures & Memories

I was browsing through the pictures I have collected over the past 10 over years. They are so rich. I can see myself growing up, the changes in myself. I guess one thing that has not changed was my smile. Although the pictures did capture a moment of my lowest point in life, I realise that I could still smile. What happens to me now?

Once a homely person, a confident person and definitely cheerful gal. But what happened? What changed me? I know, confidence is something only I can help myself. I need to find what caused me to lose confidence before I can solve the problem. Is it really due to the previous break up?

There is a picture I have not thrown away. I'm not sure why I don't want to throw it away. Probably that is the only perfect memory I ever had. I found an album juz meant for him and me, I've not thrown it away too... I will, when I find my Mr Right. Only then, my Mr Right will be my perfect memory.

I want to be the me... who:
smiles often
is close to my friends
is able to manage relationship and frienship
takes pictures and neoprints
spends time at home
buries myself in books
is so caring towards my bf
bakes cookies for my bf
likes my blue spaghetti strap
weighs only 47kg

Next, how can I do it?

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