Friday, March 5, 2010

It's never enough

You called to tell me that you lost your wallet. I was really worried for you. You said you were scared when you realised it missing. This is the first time you were scared. You told your colleague about it and she took you to the police station. I'm glad you have such friends around you. See? You are not alone :)

Do you realise that I was not on your mind when something happens? Is it because I can't be of help or is it because you are not so close to me that you feel uncomfortable telling me about it? Or is it time issue? Nonetheless, I'm glad you still tell me about it. Like what you said, I'm never satisfied with what you do or what you give. My rationale is that I would want my closest to have the first hand news. You kept telling me that when you find yourself useless in a relationship, you will leave, but I've never felt useful when I'm with you, be it as a friend or a partner. I've never value add your life or any aspect. How should I react then?

I was glad I didn't contact you this morning, else, I might have stepped on your toe without realising. I'm kind of scared of you as you scold me...

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