Monday, March 22, 2010

Monday blue

Thanks dearie, for meeting up with me and try to chase away my Monday blue. Thanks for choosing the shirt with me too, good taste. I really appreciate it. I don't know why but I feel so safe in your arms. I know I will not have nightmares, I know I feel relaxed, as though you can take away all my troubles. I'm sorry if this causes stress on you. I don't need you to meet me all the time because I remember you say you will give me whatever you can :)

As for your appraisal, you are really good. 5 out of 7 and can be promoted. You are my model. I wish I can be as efficient, capable as you. I'm not sure if I can cope in school but I'll try my best. At times, I'm just so tired. I wish to slack and sleep in on Saturday if possible hehe I need my rest, my sanity

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