Monday, April 12, 2010


Dearie, I finally understand what it means by "Happiness is a choice" :) I'm not going to let anyone or anything make me unhappy! Even though you are not meeting me today, I'm not unhappy coz I choose not to... I want to me who was so happy and I know how to be happy already.

I like to go out to work or study because my house is not very conducive, not that I'm not a homely person. You like to stay home because your home is conducive. So, I hope you will not impose on me to work at home or what because we are in different environment and situation. I hope you can see from my point of view. I'm actually scared when I tole you I may be going out. I know the moment my parents are home, I can't work. And, I don't know why but my body and mind are in a rebellious state. I don't want to work, I want to relax. I can't read a book in peace at home, but do you realise that? I'm not someone who likes to explain too, but if I don't make myself clear, I think your misunderstanding of me will deepen :)

Yup! So, Mr Mike, I'm happy, even when I don't meet you ok?

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