Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I know you have been trying very hard to gain my trust again, trying to change over a new leaf. The more I see you do all these, the more guilty I am. I am not trying to change you, I'm not trying to make you feel guilty. I do not want to see you so unhappy... I'm sorry to bring you so much pain and hurt... I'm really sorry

Nothing is so strong as gentleness, nothing so gentle as real strength - St Francis de Sales

1 comment:

  1. Kris Dearie

    I've been bothering from day one you asked me to give you peace. I'm very truly sorry my dearie. I appreciate that you accepted me as flaw as I am; to love a imperfect person perfectly. I love you for who you are and learned to apprecaite all the things about you; you've englitened me. Thank you dearie.

    So do not feel guilty at all; instead, you should be delighted and glad that I've become a better person because of your true love. My will to change for a better superseeds my guilt already dearie, I'm going to be filial, and be gentle, and it will be my strong grips and strength to hold on to you forever.

    Love you always
    Mike Dearie
