Sunday, September 12, 2010

Today's sermon

Today, Pastor mentioned about chastenment. It's not a pleasant process. Chastenment is "child train". It means disciplining your child in another words. This is very applicable to us.

When I dated a non-believer, he showed me how painful it can be. He also showed you how to control your temper by using me as your "washpot". A washpot is something or someone that is obstructing you for you to learn something. E.g. you are impatient with slow drivers, and on the road, there is always a slow driver in front of you. That is what Lord wants us to learn.

Chastenment comes in various forms, but will not result in death coz after the chastenment or punishment, you are supposed to learn.

References of the sermon was not taken down as I dun have the habit of taking notes during sermon anymore. I only remember Hebrew 12: 5. Hope it helps :)

1 comment:

  1. Dearie

    My post today was also related to yours. Repentance, to change our minds to the right direction. We have learned so many lessons in our relationship and I'm glad to see that we are growing everyday. As painful as it is, we're moving for a better future and Lord will guide us through these times. Thanks for sharing dearie. God bless and Jesus loves you.

    Love you always
    Mike Dearie
