Monday, September 20, 2010

Let's us be together

My Kris Dearie,

A very good morning to you. I wanted to take time and think to respect you and be sure of the followings before I say to you.

I just want you to be sure as well. Thank you for your blessings and your continued support; as I'm feeling all your strength and love behind me.

Sometimes we say things we did not mean to, sometimes because of the devil we are broken apart, but inside our minds, we are longing for each other. Why do we suffer like this Lord? Why do we deny ourselves from our other half? Because without this journey, we will never know how much we mean to each other. Your timing is perfect father, we respect your decision no matter what it may be.

I dreamed and received your blessings through my prayers and you've entered my dreams to create a family of our own, showed me vividly what it means to be with my dearie.

From here I would like to say, I love you with all my heart, in front of our dear father God, and "I do" want to take you through our journey for the rest of our lives together.

May God bless us both. We shall both love each other and cherish each other in a way that have never seen before.

Love you always
Mike Dearie

Our song definitely: Lionel Richie - Hello

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