Tuesday, September 7, 2010



I must admit to you that I've foolishly been selfish, giving you no space and peace, that you deserve. We will try to listen to God's plan and wait for a week. If there is no sign from your part yet, we will keep in touch again and wait for the next sign. I have learned to look beyond needs, satisfaction and selfishness. For all the things that I've done, I'm truly and genuinely sorry, and I'll take full responsibility for my past actions, but my sincere apologies to you, the one and only I love, my dearie. I've decided to give you time to reflect, and not to tamper with your thoughts by calling you, smsing you, and disturbing you while you're at peace.

Looking forward, I've made up my mind to change for better, the will that is never been so great and strong. I've plans with my dearie, short and long term, if she decided to change her mind, the door is always opened -- knowing that she once did it for me too. She asked "if you wanted me to wait, I'll wait for you forever." And that time I told her "Dearie, it's unfair." Now it's my turn to say, "I'll be here forever for you."

My plans that are simple yet meaningful include:
1) Love her and cherish her everyday like never before
2) Not to bully her ever again, verbally or otherwise, I'll give in to her because I love her so much
3) Say "Good morning, dearie" whenever I wake up to my dearie with a kiss, followed by "I Love You" while holding her
4) Go to church together on Sundays with her, be her companion and life partner, raising our kids and be a good father
5) Decorate our house, hang the words of Lord Jesus, pack our beds with soft toys for her (bumbum and kelly get exclusive space)
6) Bring "girl" to our place and let her stay with us because she means a lot to me as well as to dearie
7) Go holidays with her without fail every time we have a break
8) Have mutual friends, who are stable and can give us good guidance and godly counsels
9) Go blading and jogging together and join her for the runs
10) Accompany her to buy shoes and be her fashion stylist
11) Join her for family dinners with her parents, and her sister's family, treat her family like my own
12) Sponsor my parents to come to Singapore again and let them see my gf and wife-to-be in person whom they will love to the bits
13) Make breakfasts for her, and wake up early to pray together with her
14) Be tolerant towards my dearie, and brighten her mood by giving her flowers, cards, little notes and be a good pair of ears for her to listen to her daily problems
15) Accompany her while she's studying and marking either at home or outside
16) Take pictures for her and the photos of "us" and decorate our house with photos
17) Will do things that will only bring joy and happiness into our lives and never do things that will make us apart ever again, because I know our love is strong
18) Give her emotional support and be her consultant in life situations
19) Praise her because she is truly unbelievable, and thank her for everything she has done for me, and remind each other why we are so lovable couple and everyone is jealous to know our "secret ingredient" for happy and successful marriage.
20) Be a good husband that will raise up and kids, since both of us are teachers, we will infuse good family values and life practices into our children and generations

I will miss you dearie, but I hope during this time, you will be able to reflect in peace, I will be able to improve myself even further through the knowledge and wisdom. I know that trust has to be earned so here I am, your other half waiting for you to discover the world ahead of us. Do let me know when you are ready to talk. Whatever it may be, I have faith in us and can feel that we will go very very far as a loving and perfect couple.

Truly yours
Love you always
Mike Dearie

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